Saturday, April 27, 2013

Welcome Dr. Mouse & My Supervision of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Class

For my week two assignment, I have used our course work to solve the least high-tech part of my teaching: the fact that I demand my students use belt straps instead of book bags! Just kidding -- it's the fact that I still use Power Point to convey information during certain lessons. I realize that using Power Point is the educational technology equivalent of dancing the Hustle, but I am guilty.

So, I decided to spotlight and learn to use Animoto and two very different outcomes. My assignment consists of two parts.

Here is the link for part 1. 

Here is the link for part 2. 

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Study Study Study

Remember to study for our Huck Finn test tomorrow!  Below, I have posted the link to some Quizlet study flash cards if you would like to look them over.  They are basic surface level questions, but they may be useful for a quick review of the plot points.  Also, remember to bring both your copies of Huck Finn and Howard Zinn so that I can collect them.  

Best of Luck!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Journal #41

Critics have complained that the rescue at Phelp’s farm is rife with coincidence and is overall problematic to the rest of the work.  What do you see as the problems this section presents to readers? Does this section change your view of the main characters’ moral development?  If so, how? How has Tom Sawyer’s insistence on “regulations” for escape forced him into the role of the colonizer, Huck into the role of agent of the colonizer, and Jim into the role of the colonized/oppressed?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Finish the Novel


I wish for you to have completed our featured novel by Monday April 15th.  You all should have the entire novel (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) read by this date and be ready upcoming assessment.   Make sure to continue taking notes and it may also be wise to add any choices that Huck makes in the remaining chapters to your timelines. Enjoy the weather!

Thank you,

Mr. Mosetti

Friday, April 5, 2013


Remember to read up to and including Chapter 34 of Huck Finn this weekend and to finish your Huck Finn choices timeline.  I will be checking to make sure both of those assignments have been completed on Monday.  Have a wonderful weekend and make sure you welcome in the warmer weather by taking advantage of it. Do something outside!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Huck Finn Journal 4/3/13

Journal #40: (4/3/13)
In the novel Huck continually tells stories to get himself out of tight situations. Why doesn’t this bother Huck’s conscience? In what way is Huck forced to tell a lie? Is Huck morally wrong in doing so? Defend your argument with examples from the novel.