Monday, October 25, 2010

Q & A: George Friedman

Q & A: George Friedman

Use this, today's article and any other materials you wish to write Journal #14.

The issues -- explicitly relayed

1. Christopher Columbus is a national hero and deserves to be celebrated with a national holiday.

2. Christopher Columbus is a villian, and his federal holiday should be abolished.

A. Many Native Americans protest every year against the use of racial and derogatory "Indian" icons used by sports teams across the US; Braves, Chiefs, Indians and the Red Skins for example. These names are derogatory and wrong. The US Congress should heed to the pressure of civil rights groups and ban these names.

B. While some Native American groups are opposed to these names, others promote and embrace them. These names are not derogatory but celebratory. Keep the names and keep congress out of it.

1. Debate day is Monday, November 1st. All Sera debate rules shall stand.

2. The Q& A portion will be expanded, as usual, good questions will earn points.

3. Additional research will be mandatory. APA format is suggested (take your best stan format-wise). Some resources for debate #2: OPPOSED to the mascots & FOR them.  

4. Participating families shall be determined through "Circle of Death."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Journal #13...mwahaha (or not)

Some resources: The Salem Witch thing we viewed on Wednesday & IMDB about "The Monsters are due Maple Street."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"like winning a tiger in a raffle"

Maybe this will work...let's keep an eye on her as a class. Problems with Mexican drug lords are a staple of US foreign policy concerns (or lack thereof).

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Christopher Columbus: Hero - HUMAN EVENTS

An alternate view on Columbus to accompany your reading.

Christopher Columbus: Hero - HUMAN EVENTS

This week's vocab...Quiz Friday

prodigal: One wasteful or extravagant, especially in the use of money or property.

salacious: Having strong sexual desires.

platitude: A written or spoken statement that is flat, dull, or commonplace.

sumptuous: Rich and costly.

neophyte: Having the character of a beginner.

modicum: A small or token amount.

tortuous: Abounding in irregular bends or turns.

hoodwink: To deceive.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Michael Skube Assignment

Re-Read Michael Skube article...grab it here!
Formal Writing: Michael Skube provides his e-mail on the bottom of his scathing rebuke of today's students. Write a letter to him either agreeing or disagreeing with his thesis (approx. 2 pages). Either way, make sure you back up your claim with specific examples from either your own life, observations you have made or statistics you have researched. Do not spend too much time worrying about how you "cite" your source(s) (this will come later), but please "attribute" it/them (just like the Scarlet Letter project). The best response will be e-mailed to Skube himself! Zoinks! Due Monday, October 18th

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Journal Work...all Journals due Friday

Journal #7: Reaction to the multi-media & video viewed in class.

Journal #8: Read about this terrible tragedy out of Rutgers. React to it and the multimedia presented here from Ellen and the Governor. State your specific stance on and possible reactions to cyber-bullying.

Journal #9: React and respond to this Boston Globe article. Do you agree? Disagree? How does the new "social media" world need to adapt or change. Connect and discuss this more negative aspoect of new technology with the one explored in Journal 6 information.