Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mark Twain

To supplement this week's viewing of Mark Twain by Ken Burns, please review the website companion. We would like you to pay special attention to the well-done Twain scrapbook. Please send some time

Friday, February 15, 2013

Jeff Smith Speaking Points

DOUBLE JOURNAL: #35 & #36. All sources must be cited as part of the journal. Due Tuesday. Please also read Chapters One and Two of Huck Finn, as well as any introductory material (may vary based on edition). 

Families One and Two: "The heart of a volunteer." This documentary teaches us a lot about the power of "canvasing" and people power in a campaign.  Google some information about campaigns and look into the most common ways to get involved. Then, in your journal, explain what you learned and relate what you learned to the documentary.

Families Six and Ten: Discuss social problems as they relate to specific, niche organizations and certain interest groups. Look up minority voting groups (like VOTO, a Hispanic lobby to get out the vote for Hispanic interest). Are these groups effective? Is the status quo forced to consider these groups in their campaigns? What are the most powerful lobbies? Is there credence to the notion that the ONLY power base is the WHITE, RICH power base (which is an accusation forwarded in the film).
Families Three & Eight: Google and learn about the The electoral college system (there is a link below). Then research the system's pros and cons -- is this the only way to go, or is it an old system that needs updating?

Families Four & Nine: Some would say that a documentary like this points out the problems with the dual party system in national politics. Look into the roots and history of the two party system and then research the pros and cons. Is the two-party system ruining or saving politics?

Families Five and Seven: Based on what you have seen, outline the specific pros and cons of Jeff if he HAD won the election. Then research some current Congresspeople. Find one or two whom you would support and explain how his/her specific traits appeal to you and a larger voter base.

Here is a relatively concise breakdown of arguments for and against the electorate system.

Gun Control New Low.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Tale of Two Cubans

Information on the down-ward Cuban.

And the upward Cuban. 

Journals #32 will be on the State of the Union address (posted tomorrow) & response.

Otherwise, here's the Mr. Smith stuff. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Journal #31: Boy Scouts & Gay America

In the news today, the Boy Scouts of America tabled a decision about lifting a ban on gay and lesbian volunteers and members. NPR presents both sides of the debate on Morning Edition today. Weigh in after listening as Journal #31.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Journal #30: Read the following article from the Boston Herald. Consider how this article relates to the film we are watching and the overall theme of ambiguity in ethics discussed over the past month.

1939 is considered by many to be the finest year of American movie-making. The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Good-bye Mr. Chips and John Wayne in Stagecoach. 

And Frank Capra made a little politcal movie called Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. The film was designed to ask the question: What would happen if a small-town nobody with high-ideals and an unquenchable love of American ideals, were suddenly dropped into the big-business, big-talking intimidation of the United States Congress? Would the ideologue find his way? Would he learn that somewhere on the road from MORALS to ETHICS to CIVICS...the terrain MUST get ROCKY and MUDDIED? Would the idealogue become corrupted and learn to hang in the big show? Or, would he become disgusted and go home? Or, would his ideals win the day?