Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back to English Class!
Dear EHTHS Parents/Guardians and Students,
Say goodbye to the scorching Summer heat and good riddance to sunburn and greenheads.  It is my pleasure to welcome you back to the cool and comfortable black and silver of EHTHS.  I am excited to see what surprises and blessings this school year will deliver as we further our study of English. 
In order to prepare you for the upcoming school year in my classroom, I would like to illustrate my philosophy that English is life.  A classroom based in that belief may encompass literature from all walks of life and provide a base for its practical application within the students’ lives.  Our class will discover and perfect reading comprehension, drawing conclusions / making inferences, and writing skills that will be transferable in whatever career path students choose, as well as build memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. 
Students will experience multiple forms of representation as we dive into our realm of study in English class.  Utilizing current events, popular culture, music, film, poetry, and a diverse set of literature our class will truly be a vessel of lifelong learning.  Exposure to such varied authors and forms of expression will springboard each student’s understanding of their own learning styles and develop creativity and establish credibility in his/her own writing.  My classroom goal is to establish an efficient and effective learning community to appropriately address relevant 21st century standards within our study over the course of the year.  Lessons will hinge upon essential questions and enduring understandings and all writing assignments will be graded using a holistic scoring rubric consistent with the EHTHS English department and state testing standards.
 Parents/Guardians, I thank you for your interest in your student’s education and I look forward to working with you throughout the course of the school year.  With continuous progress reports and flyers, I will keep you up to date with our journey into the world of English.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email (Mosetti@eht.k12.nj.us) or by phone at my extension at the high school (609-653-0100 Ext. xxx).

Thank you,

Mr. Mosetti                 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

HW Due for End of Year

Journals due Thursday. By Friday, complete Walden Economy to page 50.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Homework Due Wednesday

Read and annotate "Economy" pgs. 9 - 30.

End of the Year Journals

Journal #48 is a page that reflects on the day in which you marked everything you spent your day living. Try to take a transcendentalist bent towards the reflection of your day. WWTT (What Would Thoreau Think?)

Journal #49 & 50: Add your "Economy" assignment from this weekend labeled as two journals

Journals will be collected this Thursday!  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Gov-Time Transcendentalism & Assignments

This assignment can be done in AP Gov tomorrow...Watch video...respond as Journal #47..what did you learn from the video? Did anything surprise you? How do you relate this environmentalist's teachings with Emerson's view. Also, feel free to poke around their website. storyofstuff.org. Lots of cool stuff that doesn't need to be thrown away.

Journal #48 prep should be done throughout the day on Thursday, May 30. Every half hour from the moment you wake up, jot down a sentence or two about what you did. Don't stop until you fall asleep for the night.

Read and annotate the first eight pages of Walden for tomorrow.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend Assignment List

1. Journal #44: Relate the "Bare Necessities" of Baloo in The Jungle Book with the teachings of Transcendentalism, both in a general way and as evinced by Emerson in Nature.

2. You were given a worksheet entitled "Top 6 Signs that you might be a transcendentalist." Of the six, chose the one tenet you most relate to. Explain how and why you relate to it as Journal #45. For the remaining five, write three to five sentences describing what you think the tenet means and how you DO or DO NOT relate to its meaning. You may do this right on the worksheet if you'd like.

3. Emersonian aphorisms exist on page 222 of the text. Choose one or a few and expound upon its/their meaning as Journal #46. Explain the significanse or relate the importance to your own life. Or, simply explain how they evince transcendentalism as a whole.

Here's a pair of very transcendentalist Pearl Jam songs for you: